December Newsletter
Bramley Health Launches New Website
Bramley Health is proud to announce the launch of its new website. Our website covers all information on our services and locations across the South of England. You can also find all the relevant brochures for our services on each location page.
Bramley Health Purchases New Care Home in Newham
Bramley Health has purchased Daken House Care Home in Newham this month. We will be commencing a refurbishment of the building in early 2020 and we are aiming to have the new service open and ready for admissions by quarter 3 of 2020. The service will be registered as a care home with nursing supporting men who require specialist community service who have a Mental Health presentation and or neurological condition who at times will challenge the service.
Bramley Health Launches Specialist Autistic Spectrum Conditions Service
Camber is a specialist inpatient service for men who have a confirmed diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Conditions. The service supports up to twelve Patients in a mix of individual flatlets and en-suite double bedrooms. Our flatlets offer a large living area, double bedroom and en-suite bathroom to support patients who require a safe space with little stimulation and additional support.
Patients who are referred to our service may also have a co-morbid mental illness (e.g. mood disorders, ADHD, psychosis etc.), developmental and Personality Disorders. Patients with complex needs may not have responded to treatment in a generic mental health setting and may require a specialist rehabilitation service to help reduce the risk to self and others and help them to progress on their recovery pathway.
Bramley Health Awarded Good Following CQC Inspections
Bramley Health is proud to announce it received three Good CQC inspections this year at Heron View, Croham Place and Shepherds Corner.
Heron View received a CQC rating of Good following its inspection earlier this year in June 2019. The service received a good in all domains and it was reported that, “People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice”.
Croham Place received a CQC rating of Good following its inspection earlier this year in February 2019. The service received a good in all domains and it was reported that, “People are supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff support them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service support this practice. Relatives and social care professionals told us people received effective care. Staff had access to a wide range of training and they were supported with regular and structured supervision”.
Shepherds Corner received a CQC rating of Good following its inspection earlier this year in October 2019. The service received a good in all domains and it was reported that, “The provider made sure staff were suitable and fit to support people and given training to help them meet people’s needs. Staff were motivated to provide high quality care and support. They were supported by the provider to review and continuously improve their working practices”.