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May Newsletter

Autism Inpatient Rehabilitation Services

Camber is a specialist inpatient service offered at The Langford Centre (Sussex) supporting men who have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The service supports up to twelve men in a mix of individual flatlets and en suite double bedrooms. Camber and The Langford Centre received a CQC rating of Good following its unannounced inspection on the 20th October 2020. The Langford Centre continues to achieve a Good CQC rating following its inspections in 2017, 2018 and 2020. The Service continues to focus its energy and resources in achieving an outstanding CQC rating.

Camber also had an announced CQC Mental Health Act review on the 4 th May 2021. The service received positive feedback that required no action plan following the review. The review feedback explained that “The Service User pack was comprehensive, informative and included details of what to expect on an Autism ward. The packs also included information about the MHA, CPA and care planning, activities and therapies available.” Camber also received feedback from family members, Camber also received feedback from family members, “We have seen that our son has really settled well on the ward and we are very impressed with the improvement that has been achieved, which earlier placements had not been able to achieve for our son”

Camber support Service Users that may also have a co morbid mental illness (e.g. mood disorders, ADHD, psychosis etc.), developmental and Personality Disorders. Patients with complex needs may not have responded to treatment in a generic mental health setting and may require a specialist rehabilitation service to help reduce the risk to self and others and help them to progress on their recovery pathway.

Camber also provides specialist psychiatric, psychological and therapeutic assessments and specialist interventions with a full Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) compromising of psychology, occupational therapy, psychiatry, nursing, social work and spe ech and language therapy. Part of the specialist inpatient service package includes a holistic assessment of the person’s psychiatric, social, familial, occupational and physical health needs.

Mental Health Inpatient Rehabilitation Services

Bramley Health offer various inpatient rehabilitation services at The Langford Centre (Sussex) and Glenhurst Lodge (Kent) supporting both men and woman presenting with Mental Health and Personality Disorders. Both services continue to achieve a Good CQC rating following inspections over the past four years.

Collectively our Multi Disciplinary Teams have been working tirelessly to support all of our Service Users in order to reduce lengths of stay and enable safe transitions into community services. The Langford Centre and Glenhurst Lodge has had an average length of stay of eleven months for all Service Users admitted and discharged during 2019 and 2020.

We are proud to have an enhanced clinical leadership team that are constantly looking at ways of improving our inpatient services. We strive to improve our quality and clinical programmes across Bramley Health and we’re always focused on achieving effective communication and engagement with all responsible commissioners and placement teams.