Bramley Health’s services are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), who provide a rating of the service. In addition to this external inspection of quality, Bramley Health have internal systems of monitoring and measuring services for quality.
Bramley Health has a corporate clinical governance structure, where all services in the group come together as part of a framework in which they are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care. The mechanisms in place include internal and external audit programmes, key performance indicator reporting, benchmarking, peer review programmes, surveys, service user forums. These mechanisms ensure that Bramley Health create the best possible outcomes, as viewed by the organisation and service users, and that we make best use of the available resources.
Quality is applied to both care and services along with Bramley Health’s staff and facilities.
What Quality means to us:
- Consistent delivery of care at the highest level
- Safe, effective, regulated services
- The highest calibre of staff
- Investment into facilities to ensure they are always fit for purpose
- Listening to our service users
- Inspiring innovation
As a service provider we are always looking for new ways to do things better and improve quality.
Download our Bramley Quality Information file
Download our Safeguarding – Bramley Health Information file