Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement
Following the recent news that we have now entered the delay phase of COVID-19, we have put in place a robust Contingency Plan detailing the significant changes, preparing for and responding to the coronavirus outbreak. The advice is now as follows:
- The public are now being advised to stay at home (self-isolate) without any testing for COVID-19, regardless of travel history or contact with confirmed cases, if they have:
- A new or continuous cough
- High temperature (of 37.8 degrees centigrade or higher)
- The geographic element of the case definition has now been removed. Travel and contact history are no longer important for diagnosis, which is on the basis of symptoms alone. If people who have travelled do not have symptoms they do not need to stay at home regardless of their travel history.
Bramley Health’s main priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of our service users and staff. Therefore, as a prevention measure, we feel it is a necessary decision to ask friends, family and professionals to resist all non-essential visits / unnecessary contact until further notice. Please do not visit a Bramley Health service if you are feeling unwell, especially if you have a ‘new continuous cough’ or a ‘high temperature above 37.8’ as per new guidelines.
Additionally, we have cancelled unnecessary visits from the local community and external facilitators. Alongside, contractors and deliveries only entering the building if absolutely necessary.
This is not a decision we have taken lightly and we appreciate your support with these measures. In the unfortunate event that we do have a case in one of our services we may need to stop all visiting completely and we will keep you informed accordingly.
We continue to work hard to ensure that our service users remain as unaffected as possible, ensuring their daily routines are maintained and they remain as comfortable as possible.
Staff will continue to ensure that universal and company infection control procedures are followed to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our service users. Staff are also aware how to manage any outbreaks and symptoms that our service users may display.
Our plans are under regular review according to guidance issued from Public Health authorities and we will keep you informed of any major changes. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Vanessa Ling
Director of Clinical Services and Compliance
James Phillips
Company Director
Click here to download this statement as a pdf