The Langford Centre
55 – 65 De La Warr Road
East Sussex
TN40 2JE
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Pevensey ward is a 16 bed Low Secure service for males with complex, long-term psychiatric conditions, behaviours that challenge and increased risks to themselves and others.
Service Description
Our model of care adopts least restrictive practice principles to focus on enablement, positive risk-taking, therapeutic optimism, relapse prevention and reducing episodes of challenging behaviour while preparing individuals to transition into step-down or community settings.
Our extensive in-house multi-disciplinary team works collaboratively with each Service User to develop bespoke care-plans that are centred upon their needs, challenges and aspirations. The psychology department offer specific offence-focused therapies including one to one and group sessions on arson/fire-setting, sexual violence and restorative intervention. We use recognised clinical outcome measures to monitor and evidence progress and adopt a holistic approach to rehabilitation.
We have an internal recovery pathway where our Service Users can transition from the Low Secure service to our High Dependency Rehabilitation services at Seaford and Cooden wards whilst still being supported by the same multi-disciplinary team. This continuation of treatment has been effective in streamlining the process and promoting effective transitions in to least restrictive settings in a timely manner and supporting services users transitioning into community placements.
Inclusion Criteria
- Male
- 18+
- Present of a mental disorder which is of a nature and a degree warranting detention in Hospital for medical treatment under the Mental Health Act / including restricted patients
- Prisoners suitable for transfer to low secure inpatient care will generally be charged with or have been convicted of a specified violent or sexual offence as defined in Schedule 15 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 or other serious offence, such as arson
- High functioning ASD/Autism
- Patients with a mental disorder directed to conditions of low security by the MOJ
- Patient may present with risk of escape
- Complex Needs / challenging behaviours
- Can have any psychiatric diagnosis – except exclusions
Exclusion Criteria
- Females
- IQ lower then 60 – Moderate to severe LD in the absence of an established IQ score
- Poor mobility – Needing hoist
- Organic / neurological disorders
- Severe chronic health conditions
- No incidents scoring 4 on the Overt Aggression Scale for the past 3 months
- No fire setting in the last 6 months
- No sexual aggression (attempted rape) in the last 6 months
- Eating Disorders – BMI 15 or less
- Patients who present with disturbed or challenging behaviours during episodes of mental disorder that are likely to be relatively brief. These patients are more appropriately cared for in local generic mental health provision including adult Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICU)
- Where the predominant risk is of self-harm and there is no significant risk of harm to others. An exception to this might be for individuals serving long prison sentences for non-violent or non-sexual offences, who because of the risk of escape or as a result of MOJ direction, cannot be transferred to a non-secure environment