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The Langford Centre
CQC overall rating
Requires Improvement

We can support referrals Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 5pm. Our services work towards a two-hour turnaround time for all referrals needing an acute admission.

Mobile: 07467 481 884

Landline: 0208 768 8050

Email: acutereferrals@bramleyhealth.co.uk

NHS Mail: acutereferrals.bramley@nhs.net

Acute Mental Health Services

Bramley Health offer two male and female acute units at The Langford Centre that offers an extension to NHS acute services during times of fluctuating demand and bed pressures. The service supports up to fifteen male and sixteen female Service Users in a purpose-built environment with en-suite bedrooms and access to outside private garden space. The unit benefits from its own entrance and access away from the main hospital and allows for emergency admission to take place from a secure access point.

Service Description

Bramley Health work closely with NHS Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups to support acute bed pressures and in turn reduce lengths of stay for Service Users needing an acute setting. We help support Service Users with a broad range of Mental Health conditions in a therapeutic and conducive environment.

Our MDT work towards offering evidence-based treatment programmes supporting a range of conditions and focus on supporting Service Users from relapsing back into acute and inpatient services. We work collaboratively with placement and discharge teams to ensure seamless and effective transitions back into least restrictive and community services.

Our services across Bramley Health have the capacity to support Services Users in Secure Services or in our specialist inpatient rehabilitation services if Service Users need a more robust and long-term placement to support their ongoing treatment and care plans. 

Our hospital is regularly visited and assessed by the Care Quality Commission to ensure that we operate and offer the national standard for quality of care in an acute setting. Our specialist clinical team support a wide range of Mental Health conditions and provide evidence-based treatment and therapeutic programmes Our clinical team use and work towards the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) approved interventions.

As part of the ongoing support and services offered on our acute ward, we also tailor and complete an individual care and treatment plan for every new admission which includes the following items:

  • A daily risk assessment to evaluate the client’s needs and to offer a least restrictive environment to their recovery plans
  • Weekly clinical update reports for our commissioners and placement teams
  • Formulating a full treatment and care plan which is person centred
  • Full health screening check
  • Support to access our advocacy services
  • Social needs and financial planning support
  • All Service Users have a full weekly clinical review as part of the ongoing MDT review that supports clear transition and discharge plans

Multi-Disciplinary Team

  • Hospital Director
  • Medical Director
  • Consultant Psychiatrist
  • Speciality Doctor
  • Nursing
  • Psychologist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Social Worker
  • Health Support Workers
  • Compliance Officer
  • Substance misuse practitioners

Inclusion Criteria

  • Males & Females
  • 18+
  • Requires acute hospital admission for assessment or treatment of Mental Health disorder
  • Can have complex Needs / Challenging behaviours
  • Can be informal and can also be detained under civil sections of the MHA (Part 2 of the Act).
  • Can have offence related behaviours or an established forensic history

Exclusion Criteria

  • IQ lower then 60 – Moderate to severe LD in the absence of an established IQ score
  • Primary diagnosis of ASC – established
  • Wheelchair bound, needing hoist
  • Severe and complex physical health conditions
  • Restricted patients under Part 3 of the Act.
  • Pregnant
  • Recent history of arson